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(Formerly Oil & Gas UK - OGUK)
(including Fit to Train with EBS certificate, if required)
The Offshore Energies UK medical allows the successful candidate to work offshore. The medical is valid for 2 years from the date of examination, and can include the "fit to train" certificate if required.
Before your appointment you will be required to fill in a medical screening questionnaire, a link to which you will be sent by email. If you need to declare any medical conditions, please bring along any relevant documentation, eg. investigation results, clinic letters, to aid the assessment.
If you are unsure about any aspect of the medical, please consult the FAQ section below, or use the contact form to get in touch.

This is my first (preliminary) HSE medical - what do I need to do?Before booking the medical, please read the following HSE guidance document: The Medical Examination and Assessment of Divers (MA1) This document includes important information on: medical issues that might disqualify a candidate automatically Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference and exercise capacity cutoff points There is also a questionnaire that your GP needs to countersign, which can be downloaded from this link: HSE Fact Sheet and Medical Questionnaire. Please note that without the completed medical questionnaire, we cannot issue a candidate with the HSE medical paperwork. ​ Please ensure you bring along: the completed GP questionnaire photographic ID, eg. passport or driving licence suitable clothing and footwear in which to complete a step-based exercise test
This is an annual (repeat) HSE medical - what do I need to do?Please ensure you bring along: a complete copy of your most recent HSE medical photographic ID, eg. passport or driving licence suitable clothing and footwear in which to complete a step-based exercise test
How long does the HSE medical take?Usually no more than 45 minutes.
When will I know the result of the medical?As long as there are no medical issues that require further specialist assessment, the decision is made immediately. If you pass, you will be issued with a certificate of medical fitness to dive which you can take with you. If you fail, or are found fit to dive only with restrictions, you will be informed of the reason(s). You have the right to appeal to HSE within 28 days for a review of the decision. Details of the appeals procedure can be found on the HSE website, here.
How long is the HSE medical valid for?The duration of the medical is 12 months. If a diver attends less than a month before their current medical expires, then the new medical can begin when the current one runs out. This mirrors the MOT system for cars in the UK and ensures that there is a "grace period" so that divers do not lose any days they have paid for.
What is the Chester Step Test?The Chester Step Test is a simple but reliable way to assess aerobic fitness. It is widely used in different occupational settings as it is safe, practical, quick and has reasonable validity. The test requires the candidate to step on to and off a raised platform or step (usually 25-30 cm in height), in time to a beat. Heart rate is monitored throughout, via a chest or arm strap, and the stepping rate is increased every 2 minutes. The test finishes when a heart rate of 80% of your predicted maximum is reached, or 5 stepping periods have been completed. The maximum duration of the test is therefore 10 minutes. As the test is dependent on measuring heart rate, please do not drink excess alcohol or caffeine in the 24 hour period before taking the test, as this could affect the results.
What if I need to change or cancel my booking?Hyperdive is committed to providing all of our patients with exceptional care. When a patient cancels without giving enough notice, they prevent another patient from being seen. Please notify us of any changes or cancellations to your appointment as far in advance as possible, and at the latest 48 hours before your scheduled appointment, to avoid a cancellation fee. To cancel a Monday appointment, please notify us by 2:00 pm on Friday. We will do our best to accommodate any changes, but if prior notification is not given, or received less than 48 hours prior to the booking, any fees paid are non-refundable. You can notify us by using the contact form on the website, or by calling 07539 467990.
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